Do You,
As a homeschooler, you have many options and challenges. What if you could help your children earn college credit and high school credit with one course? Your student can complete general education courses that are accepted at over 2,900 colleges and universities.* See how our CLEP & DSST courses can help you and your family save time and money!
The resources you need to succeed! Our courses allow you to help your high school or college student save time and money on their college journey. They also provide study aids to supplement your curriculum.
Study Resources
Homeschoolers can use our courses to prepare students to succeed in college, get certified, or enhance skills. If your student is college-bound and struggles with a subject they can use our course and progress bar to ensure they will succeed on campus!
Use our courses for your high school curriculum. Our progress bar allows you to track your student’s progress and understanding of the subject. The courses are self-paced and use short videos to explain concepts. Simplify your high school homeschool curriculum.
Dual Credit
Home school parents can use our courses to create a modified Advanced Placement (AP) program for your student. When the student reaches 90% on their progress bar you award high school credit.
The next step is college credit. When your student passes a CLEP™, UExcel™, or DSST™ exam at a test center they are awarded college credit. Over 2,900 colleges accept these exams.* The CLEP exam has no impact on the students’ Grade Point Average (GPA). Testing out of college courses is a great way to complete general education courses in college.
*Always check with the school you plan on attending to see if they accept CLEP™. DSST™, or UExcel™ exams. CLEP stands for College Level Examination Program. CLEP is often referred to as “CLEP out”.
How It Works

Choose Your School
First, choose a college or university that accepts credit by examination. Excelsior College, Thomas Edison State University, Western Governors University, Liberty University, Charter Oak College, and Bellevue University all have generous acceptance policies and offer online programs.

Select Your Courses
Get a list of accepted courses for the school of your choice. Then you can purchase a subscription and access all the courses you need.

Schedule Exam
Once your student’s progress bar reaches 90% on a given subject, you will need to schedule their exam (usually at a local college).

High School Credit
Once your student has passed the exam you can award high school credit and they have also earned college credit. Saving them time and you money!