Credit by Exam Test Prep

Prepare To Pass CLEP, DSST, & UExcel Exams​​​

Save Money

"Saved me $6,000!"
-Marlene N.

Save Time

"3 Credits in 2 Days!"
-Jack H.

Graduate Sooner

" to graduate in May!"

By the Numbers...CLEP™


People passed CLEP™ exams in FY2016.*


College hours saved.


Saved in tuition costs with CLEP™ exams.


People who passed CLEP™ exams say it helped them complete their degrees.**

** The College Board®, 2004 Survey

SpeedyPrep Review

“My senior year of high school…graduated with 45+ college credits.”

“Super helpful! Love this program, I would and already have recommended it to many of my friends. I used SpeedyPrep during my senior year of high school and graduated with 45+ college credits. Saved me a lot of time and money. Support was really quick and helpful too! Thank you so much.

– Jeremy H.

We know our materials work. If you complete a SpeedyPrep course but fail your exam, we will refund your subscription fee.

How Much Will
Testing Out Save You?

The average cost of a 3-hour college course is  $1,782, the average cost of testing out using SpeedyPrep is $112.00 (monthly subscription + testing fee).

Calculate Your Savings*

*All calculations are based on averages.  Savings will vary.

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source: *studentloanhero

The College Level Examination Program includes:  CLEP, DSST, DANTES, Excelsior College Exams, ECE, & UExcel exams.

Have Questions About Testing Out?

Download the FREE eBook – “Earn College Credit – Test Out”
Thousands of Colleges & Universities Accept Credit-by-Exam

Always check with your school about their specific exam policies and which courses exams are available for.

How It Works:​

*Hover over + for more information on CLEP™ & DSST™ online test prep.

SpeedyPrep Online Course


SpeedyPrep offers CLEP™ exam prep for 24 subjects and DSST™ exam prep for 6 subjects.


As you go, our progress bar will measure your knowledge. Once you reach 90%, you can take the CLEP™ or DSST™ test.


Read the correct answer. Review any available explanation and video.


Read the flashcard question and type your answer.


Progress screen will keep track of your growing mastery.


SpeedyPrep offers CLEP™ exam prep for 25 subjects and DSST™ prep for 6 subjects.


As you go, our progress bar will measure your knowledge. Once you reach 90%, you can take the CLEP™ or DSST™ test.


Read the correct answer. Review any available explanation and video.


Read the flashcard question and type your answer.


Progress screen will keep track of your growing mastery.

*ECE™ Prep is an online course with quizzes, presentations, a textbook, and a final exam.

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