We are proud to offer a 100% pass rate guarantee. Our materials are comprehensive and current. Our study methodology works.
Our guarantee applies when a subscriber has filled their progress bar to a minimum of 90% or achieved a 90 on the final exam. After successfully studying and completing any of our courses, you will qualify for our money-back promise. If you earn 90% or more on your progress bar but fail your CLEP™, UExcel™, DSST™ exam, we will refund up to three months of your already used subscription fees or purchase price.
Refunds are given when:
Refunds will not be given for:
Refunds for a failed CLEP™ , UEcel™, or DSST™ exam apply to months already used, not to months remaining on a subscription.
Online Education Programs
401 Cypress Street
Suite #222
Abilene TX 79601
Phone: (800) 421-0544
Fax: (325) 673-7801
Monday through Friday 10 AM to 5 PM CST